This is Mailee. She's so cute. She's in the playroom and she totally looks so cute with her piggy braids. Look at the beautiful tea set. I'm bigger and older than her so she has to listen to me.

The barbie dollhouse. I took a picture of it because it looks so great. We play with it when I get home from school. Barbie's aren't mom's favorite.

I took a picture of the scriptures. We read them every morning. Today we read about good and evil and how to choose the right even in zizition
Aww...you and Mailee holding a baby. If you sniff the head of the baby it totally smells like a baby. Mom says it smells stinky and it's not what a baby smells like. Hahaha, look at Mailee's face, what's wrong with her eyes?

That's a picture of the cheese bread. Cheese bread is so yummy. I sometimes ask for it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks too. It has little circles of cheese.

I take a picture of daddy leaving (behind the grill). He's going to work to make money for our house. He takes care of animals. Cats and dogs. Mom totally doesn't like kitties, but it's okay if I do.

Cinderella looks totally super beautiful. The bottle is for my pet sheep but sometimes Mailee sucks on it and I get super angry at her. Then I hit her one time and had to sit in time out for 5 minutes.

That's the temple. It's a baby size, it's not real. When I get older I want to get married there to not daddy. Oh I know...to Tanner!
Mailee likes to take my camera. Sometimes we fight. She always erases my pictures and I totally get super sad and I ask her not to do that but she does it sneaky. Sometimes I let her take turns. She gets fifty-one-hundred minutes and then it's my turn.
-----*Mailee took the following 2 pictures and provided the picture description*-----

Mom that's you and my sister. I have a Hello Kitty necklace too. It's pink....I'll go get it. Can I sleep with my necklace too?

That's my coloring. I color it red. I like to do crafts. Can I sleep with my paper too?